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Why Do Teachers Matter?

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

Teachers play a huge part in shaping a child's future. The influence a teacher has on a student's life is unquestionable. Some of the world's most successful people have been inspired by one of their teachers; for instance, Oprah Winfrey describes her 4th-grade teacher, Mrs. Duncan, as her "first liberator". Similarly, Bill Gates has mentioned his Maths and English teachers by telling the world, "There's no way there'd be a Microsoft without them doing what they did".

So who exactly is a teacher? What qualities make a good teacher? What role does a teacher have in a kid's life?

This article discusses all the answers to the questions above.

Who is a Teacher?

A teacher is much more than someone imparting knowledge in a class full of kids, giving a lecture to university students, or merely checking assignments and copies. A teacher greatly impacts a student's life, allowing them to be a better version of themselves by boosting their confidence and preparing them for the future.

Qualities of a Teacher

While a teacher's job may seem easy, the truth is that they need to face many challenges throughout their career. A great teacher must have certain qualities to inspire and become the ideals of their students.

Listed below are some qualities that make an exceptional teacher.

Patience: Patience is the key to success if you are an educationalist. Patience is required to deal with students, the schooling system, parents, and the overall educational structure.

Passionate: Being successful in any field requires being passionate about it. Similarly, a teacher must be passionate and dedicated to their career.

Great communicator: The ideal teacher should be able to communicate with students and understand the problems they face, in turn providing them with the support they require.

Empathetic: Students go through different phrases. A good teacher will validate their emotions and empathize with their feelings to help them understand and process them, which will later help them become emotionally mature.

Able to Manage Stress: Teaching can be very stressful, and teachers face stress almost every day. They need to be able to manage this stress, so it doesn't affect their teaching. As a teacher, it is important to be able to face various situations.

Great at Putting Effort: Teachers should possess the quality of putting an effort towards their students. They should be able to influence their students to move in the right direction.

The Role A Teacher Plays in a Student's Life

There are many ways in which teachers can inspire their students and make an impact in their lives. Teachers play the role of a leader, a motivator, an advisor, a friend and a guide. Here are some ways teachers play an important role in a student's life.

By Imparting Knowledge

The main responsibility of a teacher is to provide education and impart knowledge about a particular subject or topic. They are responsible for creating an environment where students can learn effectively, which will play a crucial role in shaping the lives of students.

By Boosting Confidence

Saying the right words at the right time can encourage students and boost their confidence. Not only do they feel motivated, but they also have the confidence to move forward and ultimately succeed in life. From giving feedback on their copies to praising them in front of the whole classroom, the right words will boost their confidence.

By Providing Guidance

Teachers can recognize each student's strengths and weaknesses and are responsible for guiding them in the best possible way. By telling them about different life skills, like communication, compassion, patience, being positive, and being organized etc., teachers help make students the best version of themselves.

By Shaping the Society

A skilled teacher will not only teach students but will listen to their problems and mentor them. They are dedicated to making their students reach their goals. The valuable skills and powerful knowledge teachers embed in their students later play a vital role in shaping the community.

By Changing Lives

An educator can easily mold a child's personality. They are often known to deal with students from various backgrounds, which means that there may be many students who have no aim in life or have bad habits associated with them. An outstanding teacher will be compassionate toward them while guiding them and helping them change for the better. They can help a pessimistic student see the bright side of the picture and encourage them to do good.

By Drawing Connection To Real Life Situations

In general, students often believe that studying is not important. Hence, teachers help them understand the connection between learning and its role in their lives. By giving them situations and opportunities, along with prompting them to solve problems themselves, students are able to make critical decisions that will benefit them in the long run.

By Building Team Spirit

Helping an individual child work is important; however, teaching them to work together is equally important. Working in groups will encourage collaborative habits among students and prompt them to work together in order to achieve a common objective. This is also a great way to highlight the capabilities of different students. Some may have great leadership qualities, while others may be good managers. This will also help them down the road when they meet various people and work with them.


Teaching is a noble profession and requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Educating the youth means preserving the future and making teachers the backbone of society. By offering guidance, imparting knowledge, and boosting their confidence, they can shape society and change lives for the better, thus making them the perfect role model for children. These super-beings are responsible for shaping the future of the upcoming generations.



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