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Make Your Bed!

Updated: Jul 15

The Summary: 

"Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…and Maybe the World" is a self-help psychology book by Admiral William H. McRaven. It originated from a commencement speech he delivered at the University of Texas at Austin in 2014, which gained widespread popularity online. Drawing on his experiences as a high-ranking officer in the US Navy and Commander of US Special Operations Command, McRaven connects Navy SEAL training challenges to the principles of leading a fulfilling life in everyday situations. The book include 10 short lessons that McRaven believes are universally applicable. The Epilogue features the actual commencement speech, serving as a foundation for the book.   

McRaven begins by emphasizing the impact of small actions, like the simple act of making one's bed, on changing the world. He contends that the cumulative effect of small, purposeful actions contributes significantly to our success. Making one's bed is a symbolic and successful start to the day that extends into various aspects of life. McRaven encourages readers to find supportive partners, emphasizing the importance of interconnected social networks in achieving success.   

The book emphasizes evaluating individuals based on their compassion, shifting the focus from external achievements to personal qualities. McRaven's advocates resilience and perseverance in the face of difficulties, and not giving up. He emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility in navigating life's challenges.   

The book delves into Navy experiences, similar to life’s struggles. McRaven promotes embracing challenges, rejecting fear, and taking risks as essential for personal growth. He underscores the value of overcoming psychological barriers and doubts, referencing his own experiences and advice from mentors.   

McRaven concludes with a powerful exhortation to never quit, using the analogy of "ringing the bell" during Navy SEAL training. By emphasizing personal agency, resilience, and a proactive mindset, he encourages readers to navigate life's uncertainties with purpose and determination.

Classroom Discussion Options:


Chapter 1: Start Your Day with a Task Completed 

Starting Your Day with a Completed Task.  What are your thoughts on the idea, "If you want to change the world, start by making your bed"? What does this concept mean to you?


Chapter 2: You Can’t Go It Alone 

Collaboration is Essential. The author emphasizes the importance of teamwork and helping each other. What communities are you a part of, and how do you contribute to them? How does your community support you?


Chapter 3: Only the Size of Your Heart Matters 

The Significance of Determination.  The author states that determination and grit are more crucial than talent. Do you agree with this assertion? Can you recall a situation where determination played a pivotal role in your life? The author admits to misjudging someone upon first meeting them. Have you ever experienced a similar situation? How can one avoid making inaccurate assumptions about others?


Chapter 4: Life’s Not Fair – Drive On! 

Life's Unfairness and the Need for Perseverance. The author asserts that life isn't fair. Do you believe life should be fair? What would a fair life look like to you?


Chapter 5: Failure Can Make You Stronger 

Strength Through Failure.  The author discusses the "Circus" punishment and its potential to lead to irreparable failure. Have you encountered a situation where a small mistake escalated into a significant issue? Could it have been avoided, and if so, what changes would you have made? 


Chapter 6: You Must Dare Greatly 

The Importance of Taking Risks. The author is advised to take more risks when he chooses the safer, slower option. In your life, would you prefer high-risk, high-reward options or safer, slower ones? When might one choice be more suitable than the other?


Chapter 7: Stand Up to the Bullies

Confronting Fears. The author shares his fear of great white sharks. Can you recall a time when fear magnified a situation? How can one overcome such fears or anxieties?


Chapter 8: Rise to the Occasion  

Embracing Words of Wisdom. The author mentions words that have stayed with him for decades. What words have had a lasting impact on you, and why were they significant?


Chapter 9: Give People Hope  

Inspiring Hope. The author emphasizes the power of one person making a difference. In what small ways have you made a difference, or how has someone impacted you positively? How can individuals contribute to positive change daily?


Chapter 10: Never, Ever Quit!  

The Value of Perseverance.  Although the chapter encourages never quitting, are there situations where quitting might be the best choice? Why or why not?

Denise & Robbie



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