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7 Unique Ways That Can Make You a Better Teacher and Improve Relationships with Students

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

Teachers are always willing to provide their students with the best education. They ultimately look to pass the knowledge effectively. Becoming the best teacher, improving classroom management skills, and building positive relationships with students, are some best ways to accomplish your teaching goals.

Below we have mentioned some unique ways to help you become the best teacher. These unique practices will certainly improve student's ability to learn about their behavior.

Best ways to become a better teacher and improve relationships with students.

So, here we go:

1. Practice daily self-reflection

Self-reflection is an important tool for consistent self-improvement. You can improve yourself by critical thinking, making observations, or simply entering introspection at a deeper level.

Putting self-consciousness and awareness into practice can let you think more deeply about the well-being of your students and their curriculum receptivity.

2. Stay positive towards students with learning differences

While entering your class, believe that different students have different learning capabilities and styles. Therefore, don’t opt for a one-size-fits-for-all approach.

· Firstly, engage with your students and get to know them better.

· Then try to find out their unique learning styles and how you can help them.

· For example, consider using visuals and videos a lot in your teaching. Do these have closed captions for students who need them?

· Mix physical activities and digital lessons to keep your students engaged. This practice will also help them in learning better.

Always create lesson plans with students’ learning styles in mind to ensure a greater impact on your whole class.

3. Believe in your students.

Not having high standards towards your student means not believing in them. Instead, offer your students content with greater engagement. Be there wholeheartedly and genuinely whenever they need your support.

Encourage them to do better and track their performance. This is a key to developing a strong relationship with your students.

4. Stay reachable for your students and let them connect with you

Being a teacher can be exhausting, and you might not feel it to be available for one-on-one conversations with your students. It is Ok. However, you must be available for your students who want to connect with you for some help.

Spare some time during your school day for this. For example, join your students during lunch breaks or playground activities. You can use this time as a valuable asset to know about your students and connect with them positively.

5. Encourage growth mindset

Encourage a growth mindset and promote variety in your lessons. Help your students to work ahead and give short presentations to share their key points.

· Every classroom inevitably has some eager learners. You can convince them to get ahead over time.

· For example, if you are reading any chapter, ask one of your students to read the following one.

· This practice will encourage other students too to do a bit more work.

6. Show equity to them

Showing equity means accepting and valuing each student. Provide them tools and support your students require to be successful.

Although not every student needs the same things to succeed, they certainly need something.

Consider ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, culture, etc., to find the needs of your students.

7. Praise your students for positive behavioral and academic performance.

Always praise your students who perform well. This will encourage others also to improve their behavioral and academic performance significantly. With sincere and references-specific effort and accomplishment examples, praise will:

· Improve the self-esteem of your students

· Inspire others to work hard

· Reinforce the values and rules you want to see

Help your students repeat positive behaviors and perform better academically by praising them for good.

Final Thoughts

Teachers are the leaders in classrooms and schools. Great teachers don't only need to put hard work into their materials and lessons. They also need to learn classroom management and relationship-building with their students.



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